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Chitral Tour Overview

The Chitral Valley tour is a popular holiday destination in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. It is especially exciting during the spring festival of the Kalasha people, which marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring.

The Kalash Valley is situated about 40 kilometers from Chitral district in KPK. This tour attracts many tourists from around the world. About 3,000 Kalashi people live in this region, and their culture is recognized by UNESCO as "Intangible Cultural Heritage.

They are considered the last living representatives of their unique culture in the Hindu Kush mountain range in Pakistan. During the Chitral Valley tour, the Kalasha festival is a fantastic holiday experience. The festival is celebrated with joy, featuring traditional drum music and dancing by both men and women.

The Kalasha people offer goat milk to their gods, believing that fairies descend from the mountains. They pray for the safety of their animals and land. Women dress elaborately in traditional costumes, and a Kalasha girl can spend a significant amount of money (about USD 200) on her outfit.

The holy places are adorned with flowers and branches from walnut trees, and the milk offering is known as "Gulparik." Men and women usually dance in separate circles. Kalasha girls perform a special dance called "Cha," where they form a group, link arms, and dance in a circle to the beat of the drums. Don't miss out on booking your Chitral Valley tour!

As the Kalash Valley spring festival approaches, it moves closer to the fields and summer houses, signaling the end of the long winter. More and more foreign tourists visit the valley each year, with around 20,000 foreign tourists attending the festivities in 2017.

Chitral Valley Famous Festivals:

The world famous Chitral/ Kalash Valley festivals...

Festivals & ToursPrice (USD)
Chilam Joshi Festival  (Kalash Spring Festival) - 15 daysUS$2,590
Festival of Uchal  (Kalash summer festival) - 15 daysUS$2,590
Festival of Choimus  (Kalash winter festival) - 15 daysUS$2,590
Kalash Valley Tour - 15 daysUS$2,590

Chilam Joshi

The Kalash people are an indigenous population living in the isolated valleys of Chitral, Pakistan. They celebrate their culture with great enthusiasm every year with the Chilam Joshi Festival. This unusual celebration, which usually occurs around the middle of May, heralds the entrance of spring and the flowering of several fruits and flowers in the area. Deeply ingrained in Kalash customs, Chilam Joshi is an occasion for the community to gather and celebrate, presenting their rich cultural legacy via dance, music, and rituals.

The men wear traditional headgear and clothing, and the women wear elaborately beaded and colorful traditional attire. The festivities include dances, music played on traditional instruments, and rituals offering thanks to the gods for a bountiful harvest and requesting their blessings for the upcoming agricultural season. The Chilam Joshi Festival is not only a major cultural event but also an important means of protecting the distinctive identity and heritage of the Kalash people against the forces of modernization and outside influences.

Kalash Festival
Kalash Festival

Uchal Festival

The Kalash people, an indigenous group living in the scenic valleys of Chitral, Pakistan, celebrate an important cultural festival called the Festival of Uchal. Uchal, a festive event that often takes place in late fall, heralds the conclusion of the harvest season and the arrival of winter. For the Kalash community, the festival is very important both culturally and spiritually because it features a variety of rituals, dances, and celebrations that are tailored to their own customs and beliefs.

The Kalash people get together during the Festival of Uchal to thank the gods for a bountiful harvest and to ask for favors for the impending winter. Festive dances, customary music, and the ingestion of specially made dishes mark the essence of the festival. In addition to being a time for celebration within the community, Uchal is also an important occasion for the Kalash people to preserve their cultural identity by giving them a means of passing down their customs from one generation to the next.

Chitral Valley tour
Uchal Festival

Choimus Festival

The Kalash people, an indigenous group living in Pakistan's hilly Chitral region, celebrate the important and colorful Festival of Choimus. One of the main winter celebrations, Choimus is often celebrated in December and signifies the end of the farming year. Over the course of two weeks, the Kalash community participates in a variety of cultural events, ceremonies, and rituals.

The Kalash people gather at Choimus to deepen their ties to one another as a community. Traditional dances, music, and rituals are conducted throughout the celebrations in order to respect the spirits and ask for blessings for the community's prosperity. In addition to preparing special foods and beverages, the festival offers a chance for networking, matching, and story-telling that support the preservation of the distinctive Kalash culture. The Festival of Choimus is a celebration of the Kalash people's rich cultural legacy and a sign of their ability to persevere in the face of contemporary difficulties and transformations.

Chitral Valley Festival
Choimus Festival Kalash

Days and Cost for Chitral Valley(15 days)

The detail days and cost for chitral Valley are given below....

Start DatesEnd DatesPrice (USD)AvailabilityRegistration
11-May-202425-May-2024US$ 1,690AvailableBOOK NOW
10-Jun-202424-Jun-2024US$ 1,890AvailableBOOK NOW
19-Aug-202402-Sep-2024US$ 1,890AvailableBOOK NOW
15-Dec-202329-Dec-2023US$ 1,690AvailableBOOK NOW

Customized Trips

If you are looking for custom tours or trips in the charming Chitral Valley that don't have set departure times during festivals, just click the 'Book Now' button below. Our specialty is offering trips in Chitral Valley at any time, so you may have a customized experience based on your recommended schedule. We'll calculate costs based on your suggested plan.
For Booking: Private Groups Click Here

Highlights Of Chitral Valley

- Immerse yourself in the culture of the Kalash ethnic minority community
- Join in and dance to the enchanting Kalasha music
- Indulge in the flavors of Kalasha and Pakistani cuisine
- Listen to captivating stories from Kalasha community members, both men and women
- Explore the lush Juniper, Oak, and Pine forests of Kalash
- Marvel at the panoramic views of numerous peaks, including Tirich Mir (7,708m) in the Hindukush Range
- Discover the beauty of rivers like Kunar, Dir, and Chitral, along with their tributaries and streams
- Traverse the scenic Malakand Pass, Lowari Pass (3,118 m), or Lowari Tunnel (10.4 kms)
- Explore the valleys of Khyber, including Dir, Chitral, and Kalash
- Admire the historical forts (Malakand, Nagar, Ayun, and Chitral) and exquisite mosques like the Shahi Masjid
- Take in the grandeur of Churchill Picket in Malakand
- Immerse yourself in the culture of the ethnic minority communities of Hunza
- Join in and dance to the captivating beats of Hunza drums
- Savor the delectable Hunzai and Pakistani cuisine
- Engage with the welcoming members of the Hunza community, including men, women, and children
- Gaze at the stunning peaks, including Rakaposhi (7,708m), Passu Sar (7,478m), and Ultar Sar (7,388m) in the Karakoram Range
- Explore the beauty of rivers like Hunza, Nagar, Gilgit, Indus, and Kunhar, along with their tributaries and streams
- Cross the breathtaking Babusar Pass (4,173m), Khunjerab Pass (4,733m), and Attabad Tunnel (7km)
- Roam through the enchanting valleys of northern Pakistan, including Hunza, Nagar, Naltar, Besham/Kaghan, and Naran
- Visit picturesque lakes like Attabad, Lulusar, Borith, Shandur, Khalti, Phandar, and Batura
- Admire the majestic glaciers, including Bualtar, Passu, Batura, and Hussaini, among others
- Explore the Khunjerab National Park
- Sightsee at the historical forts of Altit and Baltit
- Stroll through the vibrant bazaars of Karimabad, Aliabad, and Naran
- Travel along the iconic Karakoram Highway and trace the Ancient Silk Route
- Drive through charming towns like Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra, among others
- Explore the attractions of Islamabad and Rawalpindi
- Create lasting friendships with fellow travelers
- Enjoy discounted cultural travel opportunities

Customized Trips

Click here to secure your booking and set out on an enchanted adventure through the stunning scenery of Chitral Valley at your own leisure, without any set departure times. Take in the breathtaking natural beauty of this area, which is home to imposing mountains, tranquil rivers, and lively native cultures. With this customized travel experience, you may customize your journey and make sure that every second is spent discovering the valley's own charm. To secure your place and experience the charm of Chitral Valley at your own pace, click right now.

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Mail : info@imaginekarakorumtours.com
WhatsApp : +92 0344 6253054
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Itinerary for Chitral Valley Tour

Day 01: Arrival in Islamabad
Arriving at Islamabad International Airport, you're greeted by the scenic Margalla Hills, setting the stage for the adventure ahead. Islamabad, Pakistan's capital city, showcases a blend of modernity and cultural richness. The city welcomes visitors with its serene ambiance and diverse attractions. You'll notice the modern architecture, wide avenues, and lush greenery that characterize Islamabad. Amidst this urban landscape, traditional elements like bustling markets and vibrant cultural events add a unique charm. Whether it's exploring local cuisine, wandering through parks, or discovering the rich history and art, Islamabad offers a delightful start to your journey, promising a mix of modern comforts and the beauty of Pakistani culture against the backdrop of the Margalla Hills' natural beauty.

Day 02: Journey to Swat Valley

Get ready for a attractive drive to Swat Valley, where you'll travel through lush green valleys and alongside winding rivers. Often called the 'Switzerland of Pakistan,' Swat Valley is a breathtaking sight with its snowy mountain tops, ancient Buddhist spots, and the soothing sound of the Swat River as your companion during the trip.

The journey to Swat promises mesmerizing views of beautiful landscapes, with green valleys and flowing rivers along the way. Swat Valley's resemblance to Switzerland earns it its nickname, and you'll be awestruck by the snow-capped peaks and historical Buddhist sites scattered throughout the area. As you drive, the gentle melody of the Swat River adds to the charm of the journey, making your visit to Swat Valley an unforgettable experience filled with natural beauty and cultural wonders.

Day 03: Drive to Chitral

As you journey towards Chitral, prepare to witness a captivating change in the scenery and the rich tapestry of cultures. Each mile brings a new chapter, revealing the diverse and vibrant character of Chitral. Here, a colorful blend of traditions greets you, showcased in bustling bazaars brimming with life and the majestic presence of the Chitral Fort.

The landscape gradually unfolds like a vivid painting, displaying a kaleidoscope of hues and cultural diversity. Chitral's essence lies in its unique identity, evident in the vibrant markets where locals gather, trade, and share their heritage. The imposing Chitral Fort stands as a symbol of the region's history and grandeur, offering a glimpse into its storied past and adding to the allure of this enchanting destination.

Day 04: Venture to Rumbur Valley

Rumbur Valley offers a serene escape with its stunning landscapes adorned by meticulously carved terraced fields that sprawl across the hillsides. These terraces, cultivated by generations, showcase the Kalash community's agricultural heritage and their deep connection to the land. As you wander through this picturesque setting, you'll witness the beauty of these fields and the labor of love behind them, providing a glimpse into the local farming practices that sustain the community.

Engaging with the Kalash people in Rumbur Valley reveals a world rich in tradition and cultural vibrancy. The Kalash are warm and hospitable, welcoming visitors with open arms into their ancient way of life. They take pride in preserving their unique customs, passed down through generations, and eagerly share stories, songs, and dances that form the vibrant tapestry of their culture. Immerse yourself in their special festivals like the Chilimjusht, Uchau, and Choimus, where colorful attire, traditional music, and joyful celebrations offer a window into the ancient roots of the Kalash community amidst the tranquil beauty of Rumbur Valley's landscapes.

Day 05: Discover Bumburet Valley, Kalash

On this day you will discover the captivating Bumburet Valley nestled in the heart of the Kalash region, a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Kalash people. The valley's charm lies in its intricately adorned houses, each a masterpiece of craftsmanship adorned with vibrant motifs and unique designs. The traditional architecture stands as a living canvas, showcasing the Kalash community's artistic skills and the pride they take in preserving their heritage.

The vibrancy of the Kalash culture comes to life in Bumburet Valley through its lively festivals and age-old traditions. Each festival, such as the Uchau and Choimus, is a spectacle of color and joy, accompanied by traditional music, dances, and rituals that have endured through centuries. Visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in these celebrations, witnessing the vivid costumes, rhythmic dances, and rituals that define the Kalash way of life. The festivals not only serve as a time of merriment but also underline the resilience and dedication of the Kalash people in safeguarding their customs and identity against the tide of modernity. In Bumburet Valley, every facet reflects the unwavering commitment of the Kalash community to their cherished traditions, making it a truly enchanting destination for cultural exploration.

Day 06: Delve into Chitral's Charms
On this day you will explore the treasures of Chitral, where you'll discover the intriguing Chitral Museum, telling stories of the region's past through artifacts and exhibits. The museum offers a glimpse into Chitral's history, showcasing traditional crafts, ancient relics, and cultural heritage that paint a vivid picture of the area's rich legacy. Nearby, the Shahi Mosque stands tall as a stunning architectural wonder, attracting visitors with its impressive design and historical significance, adding to the allure of Chitral's cultural tapestry.

Dive into the lively local markets, where Chitral comes to life with vibrant colors and bustling activities. These markets offer a chance to immerse yourself in Chitrali culture, interact with friendly locals, and sample local delicacies. Experience the warmth of Chitrali hospitality as you engage with locals who share stories and traditions, creating unforgettable moments in this hospitable corner of the world.

Day 07: Drive to Mastuj Village
On this day you will take a delightful journey to Mastuj Village, a lesser-known spot unveiling the beauty of rural life. The scenic drive treats you to breathtaking vistas of the majestic Hindu Kush mountains, a sight to behold. Upon arrival, immerse yourself in the genuine hospitality of the local villagers, experiencing firsthand the warmth and friendliness that characterize this serene corner of the world.

Day 08: Traverse Shandur Pass to Ghizer District

On this day you will travel across the thrilling Shandur Pass, often called the 'Roof of the World,' linking Chitral to Ghizer District. This high-altitude route offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes that seem like they touch the sky. As you traverse through, you'll witness the rugged beauty of the mountains and vast expanses, feeling the thrill of being in such high-altitude territory.

You will discover the distinct traditions of the communities living in these remote areas. The people here have unique ways of life shaped by their remote surroundings. Engaging with these communities gives you a glimpse into their rich culture, allowing you to understand their traditions and customs, adding depth to your journey through this remarkable and remote pass.

Day 09: Arrival in Gilgit
Today you will be welcome to Gilgit, the starting point to some of the tallest peaks globally, where adventure awaits. Dive into the lively local markets bustling with activity, offering a glimpse into daily life. Visit iconic sites like the Kargah Buddha, an ancient marvel carved into the rocks, unveiling the region's history. Gilgit, situated in the Karakoram Range, teems with cultural diversity, evident in its bustling markets and historical sites, offering a fascinating peek into its strategic importance and rich heritage.

Day 10: Venture into Hunza Valley

Prepare for an awe-inspiring journey to Hunza Valley, where towering mountains adorned with snow hug the banks of the Hunza River. The valley, a picturesque paradise, boasts stunning views that seem straight out of a postcard. It's a place where nature's beauty is at its peak.

In Hunza Valley, explore cultural gems like the Baltit Fort and the ancient Altit Fort. These historical landmarks stand tall, narrating tales of bygone eras and the rich heritage of the region. The valley, with its breathtaking scenery and fascinating historical sites, offers a delightful mix of nature's grandeur and the legacy of Hunza's past.

Day 11: Immerse in Hunza's Culture and Nature

Today you have a brilliant change to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Hunza, where each visit to traditional homes unveils the community's rich heritage. Engage warmly with locals, sharing stories and experiencing their way of life amidst the captivating terraced fields that paint the valley's scenery.

Pause for a tranquil moment at Attabad Lake, a serene oasis born from a massive landslide in 2010. Witness the resilience of the local communities reflected in the lake's peaceful waters, symbolizing their strength to adapt and thrive amidst adversity. This scenic lake serves as a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Hunza people, showcasing their ability to turn challenges into moments of beauty and tranquility.

Day 12: Explore the Beauty of Passu Village
Get a chance to uncover the allure of Passu Village, embraced by the majestic Cathedral Peaks that create a stunning backdrop. Delve into the marvels of Passu, including the famed Passu Cones, natural wonders that stand tall against the sky, captivating all who visit. The centuries-old Husseini Suspension Bridge adds to the village's charm, not just connecting places but also weaving in a sense of history and architectural brilliance that resonates throughout the area.

Day 13: Journey to Naran from Hunza
Embark on a scenic drive from Hunza to Naran, witnessing a transition from rugged mountainous terrain to lush green valleys. Naran, nestled in the Kaghan Valley, welcomes you with its alpine landscapes and the soothing melody of the Kunhar River.

Day 14: Return to Islamabad
Conclude your journey with a scenic drive back to Islamabad, reflecting on the diverse landscapes, cultural encounters, and unforgettable moments that have woven together to create a truly immersive Pakistani adventure.

Day 15: Fly to the home country.
- Conclude the adventure with a flight back to your home country, filled with memories of Pakistan's stunning landscapes and diverse culture.


Day 1

Arrival in Islamabad

Day 2

Journey to Swat Valley

Day 3

Drive to Chitral

Day 4

Venture to Rumbur Valley

Day 5

Discover Bumburet Valley, Kalash

Day 6

Delve into Chitral's Charms

Day 7

Drive to Mastuj Village

Day 8

Traverse Shandur Pass to Ghizer District

Day 9

Arrival in Gilgit

Day 10

Venture into Hunza Valley

Day 11

Immerse in Hunza's Culture and Nature

Day 12

Explore the Beauty of Passu Village

Day 13

Journey to Naran from Hunza

Day 14

Return to Islamabad

Day 15

Departure to home country

Foreign Travelers (Non-Pakistani)

- Adherence to government-mandated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and guidelines in the event of new pandemic variants.
- Mandatory presence of a licensed professional guide as per government regulations.
- Airport transfers provided on the first and last day of the trip in Islamabad.
- Comprehensive management of all domestic road transfers.
- Arrangement of all hotel accommodations, with rooms shared by two individuals.
- Provision of all hotel meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Availability of support staff, including assistants, as required.

Domestic Travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

- Compliance with government regulations for the inclusion of a licensed professional guide.
- Round-trip road transportation, covering the journey from Islamabad to Islamabad.
- Reservation of hotel accommodations as per the planned itinerary.
- Inclusion of hotel meals in accordance with the trip itinerary.
- Provision of support staff, such as assistants, based on specific requirements.

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The best time to visit Chitral Valley is during the summer months, from May to September, when the weather is pleasant, and most of the roads and attractions are accessible. Winter can be harsh, with limited access due to snow and extreme cold.

Yes, Chitral has a unique cultural heritage. It's important to respect local customs and traditions. Women are advised to dress modestly, and it's courteous to ask for permission before taking photos of people or their property.

Chitral Valley offers a range of attractions, including the Kalash Valley with its indigenous culture, Shandur Pass, Chitral Fort, and the stunning landscapes of the Hindu Kush mountains. Each of these places is worth exploring to get a well-rounded experience of the region.

Chitral can be reached by road from Islamabad and Peshawar. The region is generally safe for travelers, but it's advisable to stay updated on the local situation and follow government travel advisories. Road conditions may vary, so it's essential to be prepared and hire a local guide or driver who knows the area well for a smoother journey.