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Deosai National Park Tour

The Deosai National Park Tour is a fantastic and light adventure suitable for families, friends, students, couples, and essentially anyone looking for an unforgettable experience. This national park is a must-visit for all Pakistanis at least once in their lifetime, and it also draws the admiration of international tourists who travel from far and wide to appreciate its natural beauty.
Often referred to as the "Land of Giants," the Deosai plains offer an idyllic setting for camping. With an average elevation of 4,000 meters, the region is adorned with lush green grasslands, meandering streams, and majestic mountains.
Situated at the western end of the Himalayas, where they meet the Karakoram range, Deosai National Park is blanketed in snow for a significant portion of the year, typically around seven months. The best time to explore the park is from July to September when the snow has melted, giving way to vibrant green landscapes. During this period, the park comes alive with a myriad of colorful flowers, showcasing hundreds of varieties.
We offer two options for this incredible tour, both originating from Islamabad. You can either embark on a road trip or opt for a convenient flight to Skardu Airport from Islamabad.

Deosai National Park Tour
Deosai National Park

Deosai National Park Universal Value

Deosai National Park is a special place where two different regions with lots of plants and animals come together: the Himalayas and the Karakorum-Pamir mountains. It's known for having a lot of different living things, making it an important spot for nature. One big reason is that it's home to the Himalayan Brown Bear, which is in danger of disappearing. Deosai Plateau is the only place where these bears have a stable population, so it's really important for them to survive.

The park has Sheosar Lake, which is one of the highest lakes in the world. This place is chilly and high up, making it a unique home for many different kinds of plants and animals. All these living things show how special this place is because it's where different regions meet, and the mountains guide plants and animals from different areas. Overall, Deosai National Park is a great example of how special and important these high-altitude wetlands in the Western Himalayas are for nature.

Gilgit Batistan Tour
Deosai national Park

Deosai National Park Tour Highlights

-Beauty of Skardu City, Culture of beautiful Skardu, Festival of Skardu.

- Deosai National Park boasts a unique landscape with its high-altitude plateau and rolling hills.
- The park's scenic beauty includes lush green meadows, pristine lakes, and vibrant  wildflowers in summer.
- Wildlife enthusiasts can encounter diverse species like the Himalayan brown bear and various birds.
- Sheosar Lake offers an enchanting backdrop, perfect for picnics and photography.
- Adventure seekers can explore the vast landscapes through trekking and hiking.
- Camping under the starry skies in the wilderness is a memorable experience.
- Conservation efforts focus on preserving the park's ecosystem and wildlife.
- The park's captivating landscapes make it a photographer's dream destination.
- Breathtaking views of Nanga Parbat add to the allure of the park.
- Interact with local communities to gain cultural insights during your visit.
- The high-altitude adventure offers a thrilling challenge for outdoor enthusiasts.
- Deosai's remote wilderness is a serene escape from urban life.

why visit to Deosai?

- Deosai offers stunning landscapes with lush meadows, snow-capped peaks, and crystal-clear lakes.
- Visitors can observe diverse wildlife, including the endangered Himalayan brown bear and various bird species.
- Deosai's picturesque surroundings make it a paradise for photographers, offering countless picture-perfect moments.
- It's a playground for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for camping, hiking, fishing, and wildlife tracking.
- It provides a serene escape from the urban chaos, allowing visitors to reconnect with nature and find inner peace.
- Your visit contributes to the conservation efforts aimed at protecting the park's natural habitat and wildlife.
- Explore unique ecosystems, flora, fauna, and learn about conservation challenges.
- Interact with local communities to gain insights into the indigenous Balti culture and lifestyle.
- Deosai's remote location and rugged terrain beckon adventurers to explore new places and experiences.
- With limited connectivity, it's an opportunity to disconnect from technology and forge meaningful connections.
- Time in nature, fresh mountain air, and physical activities promote overall health and well-being.

Deosai National park Tour
Deosai National Park Tour

Fee Schedule Entry Locations for Deosai

The two main ports of entrance into Deosai are the Satpara check station on the Skardu side and the Chillum Choki on the Astore side. The following are the entrance fees:
Gilgit/Baltistan locals: PKR 40
For nationals of Pakistan: PKR 100
For foreigners: $10
Camping: In Deosai, camping is allowed in some spots. No previous authorization is needed. Sheosar Lake and the area around Bara Pani Bridge are popular choices for campers. Though bears and other dangerous creatures are typically kept at a distance by the road through Deosai, carrying pepper spray is advised as a precaution.

Angling: A license must be obtained by paying the applicable fees, and fishing is permitted in certain zones.
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For more details please contact us..
Mail : info@imaginekarakorumtours.com
WhatsApp : +92 0344 6253054
Social Media : Facebook Instagram Twitter

Deosai National Park Tour Itinerary

Day 1: Departure to Naran/Kaghan
On the first day, our travelers bid farewell to Islamabad and embark on a scenic journey to Naran/Kaghan via the towns of Abbottabad, Mansehra, and Balakot, where they will spend the night. The drive is a delightful experience as it meanders through these picturesque valleys.

Day 2: Skardu via Babusar Pass
The second day involves a lengthy drive to Skardu, offering our participants the opportunity to traverse more enchanting valleys along the way. As we proceed, we'll enjoy the company of Lulusar Lake, our next stop. Lulusar is located not far from the majestic Babusar Pass. We will take a brief rest at the pass, where one can engage in photography and marvel at the surreal beauty of one of the world's highest mountain passes, Babusar Pass.The sightseeing continues after crossing Babusar Pass and entering Diamer district, with breathtaking vistas to behold. After a couple of hours, we will reach the renowned Karakoram Highway. This highway guides us to Alam Bridge, which marks the starting point of the road to Skardu. The Skardu road runs alongside the Indus River, commencing at Alam Bridge. We will spend the night in Skardu.

Day 3: Deosai National Park Expedition
On the third day of the adventure, get ready for an exciting tour of Deosai National Park. Travelers will journey through picturesque landscapes, passing by the serene Sadpara Lake and a lovely village. The highlight of the day is camping at Bara Pani in Deosai. Here, amidst the vast Deosai Plains, travelers will spend the night under the starry sky, surrounded by nature's beauty and the tranquility of this breathtaking plateau. It's a chance to experience the great outdoors and immerse oneself in the peacefulness of Deosai while camping at Bara Pani, creating unforgettable memories of a night in the heart of this stunning national park.

Day 4: Explore Deosai Plains
This day is full of fun things to do! Get ready for fishing, camping, having a BBQ, going on hikes, and watching amazing sunrises and sunsets. The highlight of the day is spending the second night camping at Bara Pani in Deosai. Here, among the stunning Deosai Plains, you'll get the chance to enjoy outdoor activities, bond with friends or family, and witness the breathtaking beauty of nature during sunset and sunrise. Camping at Bara Pani offers a fantastic opportunity to create special memories while surrounded by the tranquility and natural wonders of Deosai National Park.

Day 5: Return to Skardu
After an amazing Deosai adventure, we'll head back to Skardu town for lunch. Following lunch, there will be plenty of sightseeing options to choose from. You can visit places like the scenic Shangrila Resort, explore the historical Kharpocho Fort, or witness the captivating beauty of the Shigar Desert. Later, we'll spend the night in Skardu, giving you a chance to relax and unwind after a day full of exploration and adventures in these beautiful locations.

Day 6: Journey back to Naran/Kaghan
We're on our way back to Naran, offering travelers a chance to unwind and rest after our adventures. This journey back allows everyone to relax, enjoy the scenery, and take in the tranquil surroundings along the way.

Day 7: Return to Islamabad
On the final day, we will drop off our guests in Islamabad, concluding this memorable expedition.


Day 1


Day 2

Skardu via Babusar Pass

Day 3

Deosai National Park Expedition

Day 4

Explore Deosai Plains

Day 5

Return to Skardu

Day 6

Back to Naran Kaghan

Day 7

Return to Islamabad

Trip Inclusions

 Camping Foods

 Camping Equipments

 Porter for Trekking Parts

 Ac Van/ Couch/ Jeep required areas

 Meals; Breakfast and Dinner at Hotels and Camping

 Professional Tour Guide

Trip Exclusions

 Tip & Portages at Hotels, Portes,

 Extra Porter if required

 Meals; Dinner at Hotels

 Domestic flight from Islamabad - Gilgit and back Islamabad

 Personal Expenses

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