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Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking experience is perfect for you if you're looking for an adventure that combines breathtaking landscapes, strenuous treks, and life-changing experiences. This walk takes you through some of Pakistan's most beautiful scenery, including Fairy Meadows, Nanga Parbat, and the Karakorum Highway.

Take on the demanding but rewarding Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking and venture far into the Himalayas. Travel through lush forests, cross raging rivers, and climb difficult mountain paths to reach Nanga Parbat's base camp, the world's ninth-highest summit. You'll be surrounded by breathtaking scenery the entire way, including clear lakes, deep valleys, and snow-capped summits.

k2 & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek
Amazing View of Nanga Parbat

One of the highlights of the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is Fairy Meadows, a verdant meadow encircled by mighty mountains. This peaceful area is perfect for relaxing and taking in the amazing views, and it makes a fantastic starting point for additional exploring. Magnificent views of the mountain can be had on a day journey from Fairy Meadows to Nanga Parbat's base camp.

One more remarkable feature of the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is the breathtaking journey down the world-famous Karakorum Highway. This roadway winds through the Alps, revealing breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, rushing rivers, and deep gorges. Traveling along this roadway provides an immersive sense of the natural beauty of the area and is in and of itself an adventure.

In conclusion, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking ensures a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This strenuous hike leads you across some of the most breathtaking scenery on Earth, making for an unforgettable experience. Don't wait—book your Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking with Imagine karakorum  Tours right away, and get ready for an incredible journey!

 Quick Info
Max Altitude4,000 m
Total Trek Distance100km
Min Temperature(c)-16
Hiking Hours5-8h/day
Camping Days4-6
Hotel Stays4-5 nights
Group Size5-16 Person

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Nanga Parbat Basecamp Trek Cost(Private Group)

Our primary focus are private treks, which let you design your own schedule. We provide exclusive savings to foreign trekking organizations and private trekkers. Come on one of our scheduled excursions to Nanga Parbat for a set fee of 950USD per person. All of the services included in the package will be rendered at the fixed cost of USD 950, and our scheduled departures are typically confirmed. Please scroll down to the fixed departures and cost section to join a Nanga Parbat Base Camp Fixed Departure.

For trekkers, we also provide personalized private and group trips. The table below provides our group trip pricing schedule for Nanga Parbat Base Camp tours, ideal if you're looking for a private trek to the camp with your loved ones.

Solo Cost2-4 Pax Cost4-8 Pax CostMore Than 8 Cost

FOR BOOKING: Private Groups Click Here: BOOK NOW

Date And Cost - Nanga Parbat Base Camp(9 days)

Explore the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayan and Karakoram region in Pakistan during the optimal trekking season - summers. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring Nanga Parbat base camp trek, carefully tailored to cater to the high demand and influx of tourists. Choose from our strategically planned 10 guaranteed departures each year, ensuring flexibility for your adventure. Discover the majestic landscapes as you embark on this unforgettable journey, with meticulously selected arrival and departure dates for an unparalleled trekking experience. Check out our dates and costs for the Nanga Parbat base camp trek below and secure your spot for an extraordinary expedition.

Start DatesEnd DatesPrice (USD)DepositAvailability
26-Jun-202404-Jul-2024US$ 1,190US$ 110Available
10-Jul-202419-Jul-2024US$ 1,190US$ 110Available
24-Jul-202401-Aug-2024US$ 850US$ 110Available
13-Aug-202421-Aug-2024US$ 990US$ 110Available
03-Sept-202411-Sept-2024US$ 990US$ 110Available

The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is a thrilling adventure that offers more than just scenic beauty. Here are some additional details and information about the trek:

1. Location: Nanga Parbat, also known as the "Killer Mountain," is located in the western Himalaya in Pakistan. It stands tall at 8,126 meters (26,660 feet) above sea level.

2. Duration: The trek typically takes around 7 to 10 days to complete, depending on your starting point and the chosen trekking route. It's not just a short day hike, so be prepared for an extended outdoor experience.

3. Trekking Routes: There are multiple routes to reach Nanga Parbat's base camp, with the Raikot Face being the most common. Each route offers a different perspective on the mountain and its surroundings. Your choice of route can influence the duration and difficulty of the trek.

4. Altitude: As you ascend, you'll encounter high altitudes, and acclimatization is crucial to prevent altitude sickness. Trekking guides are well-versed in helping trekkers acclimatize safely.

5. Camping: You'll likely spend your nights in tents or local lodges along the way. It's important to have the right gear for camping and to be prepared for varying weather conditions.

6. Local Communities: The trek takes you through villages inhabited by friendly and hospitable locals. You can get a glimpse into their culture and way of life, making the journey not just about the destination but also about the people you meet along the way.

7. Best Time to Trek: The ideal trekking season is typically from late spring to early autumn (May to September). During these months, the weather is more stable, and the trails are more accessible.

8. Permits and Regulations: To trek in this region, you'll need permits, which can be obtained through tour operators or local authorities. It's important to follow the local regulations to ensure a safe and responsible trekking experience.

9. Fitness Level: This trek is physically demanding, and you should be in good shape. Regular exercise and cardio conditioning before the trek will be beneficial.

10. Safety: Safety should be a top priority. It's advisable to trek with experienced guides who are familiar with the terrain and can navigate any unexpected challenges.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek Highlights

- Spectacular Scenery
- Chilas and Fairy Meadows
- Nanga Parbat Massif
- Local Culture
- Adventurous Challenge
- Rich Biodiversity
- Raikot Bridge and Karimabad
- Photography Opportunities
- Stargazing
- Unique Experience

In summary, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is a challenging but unforgettable adventure. You'll see some of the world's most beautiful landscapes and have an experience you'll remember forever. So, don't wait – book your trek today for the adventure of a lifetime!

For more details please contact us..
Mail : info@imaginekarakorumtours.com
WhatsApp : +92 0344 6253054
Social Media : Facebook Instagram Twitter

Nanga parbat Base Camp Itinerary

Day 1: Get to Islamabad's International Airport

GPS Information: 540 meters

Usually, your planes land in Islamabad in the afternoon. You will be met by our guide(s) at the airport. The participants will be checked into lodgings shortly. The participants can unwind and recuperate from the trip on this day.
Make accommodations: Twin-sharing accommodation in Islamabad hotel (depending on occupancy).

Meal: Dinners Tea/coffee, snacks, and meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 02: Karakoram Highway Journey to Chilas

On this day, participants will embark on a scenic drive to Chilas via the renowned Karakoram Highway. The route will take them through picturesque locations such as Abbottabad, Mansehra, Besham, Dasu, and Sazin villages, offering captivating views along the way. The journey concludes with an overnight stay in Chilas.

Accommodation for the night will be provided in twin-sharing rooms at either Shangrila Raikot, Shangrila Chilas, or an equivalent standard partner hotel, depending on occupancy. Meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as tea/coffee and snacks, will be arranged to ensure participants are well-fed and energized throughout the day's travels. The GPS data indicates an altitude of 1,265 meters, marking the participants' progression through diverse landscapes on this memorable drive.

Day 03: Journey to Tatu and Trek to Fairy Meadows

On this day, following breakfast at the hotel, the expedition continues towards the enchanting Fairy Meadows. The adventure begins with a transfer to Tatu village, accomplished aboard robust 4x4 Jeeps. From Tatu, participants will embark on a 2-3 hour trek, navigating the stunning terrain to ultimately arrive at the captivating Fairy Meadows.

Upon reaching Fairy Meadows, participants can take a well-deserved rest, explore the surroundings, engage in short hikes, or interact with the local community. Accommodations for the night will be in twin-sharing tents or cottages at Raikot Sarai , Greenland Hotel , or an equivalent standard  hotel, contingent upon occupancy.

All meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with tea/coffee and snacks, are meticulously arranged to ensure participants are fueled and refreshed throughout the day's journey. The GPS data indicates an altitude of 3,300 meters, highlighting the ascent into this breathtaking mountainous region.

Day 04: Trek to Beyal Camp

Ascend to 3,500 meters as per GPS data on a challenging trek from Fairy Meadows to the serene Beyal Camp. Enjoy quieter surroundings and stunning views. Camp in twin-sharing dome tents. Meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with trek-friendly snacks. Appetizers and desserts enhance the culinary experience. Brace for a tough yet rewarding trail through alpine forests and captivating arid landscapes surrounded by snow and ice formations.

Day 05: Trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

As per GPS data indicating an altitude of 3,850 meters, participants will embark on a trek to the awe-inspiring Nanga Parbat Base Camp. The journey involves hiking for a few hours through captivating landscapes where the only interruptions to the profound silence are the occasional distant echoes of avalanches.

At Nanga Parbat Base Camp, nestled under the towering Himalayan Beast (8,126m), participants will camp in twin-sharing dome tents. Meals for the day encompass breakfast, lunch, and dinner, complemented by trek-friendly snacks such as dry fruits and chocolates. An appetizer, featuring soup or fried snacks, precedes the evening meal, while dessert or fruits conclude the night. Prepare for an unforgettable night spent in the shadow of the majestic Nanga Parbat.

Day 06: Return to Fairy Meadows

As per the GPS data indicating an altitude of 3,300 meters, participants will trek back to Fairy Meadows, where they will have the entire day at their disposal. Upon reaching Fairy Meadows, individuals can engage in various activities such as journaling, sketching, painting, resting, or capturing photographs of the awe-inspiring Killer Mountain at different times of the day. The captivating sunrises, sunsets, and the enchanting glow of full moons create a mesmerizing atmosphere at Fairy Meadows.

Accommodations for the night include twin-sharing tents or cottages at Raikot Sarai, Greenland Hotel , or an equivalent standard  hotel, contingent upon occupancy. Meals for the day encompass breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with tea/coffee and snacks, providing a perfect conclusion to a day filled with personal exploration and the magic of Fairy Meadows.

Day 07: Return to Islamabad via Karakoram/Babusar Pass

On this day, guests will depart from Fairy Meadows, with the route depending on weather and other variables. The journey may lead back to Besham or Naran, offering flexibility for exploration. If the road to Besham is taken, it involves traveling through Chilas and Dassu along the Indus River on the Karakoram Highway. Alternatively, opting for the Naran road allows guests to discover additional locations.

Accommodations for the night comprise twin-sharing rooms at Chateau Royale, Prestige Residence, or an equivalent standard  hotel, contingent upon occupancy. Meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with tea/coffee and snacks. This day presents an opportunity for diverse exploration and a scenic drive through the Karakoram/Babusar Pass region.

Day 08: Sightseeing in Islamabad

Explore the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad on this day, each offering a unique charm. Islamabad, a modern capital, invites sightseeing, while Rawalpindi, a historic city from the British era, boasts intricate bazaars and lively streets.

Accommodations for the night feature twin-sharing rooms at Chateau Royale , Prestige Residence, or an equivalent standard hotel, dependent on occupancy. Meals for the day encompass breakfast, lunch, and dinner, accompanied by tea/coffee and snacks. This day promises a blend of modernity and history, providing a well-rounded experience in the vibrant capital region.

Day 09: Departure to Home Country

On this day, only breakfast is included. Our dedicated staff will ensure the timely transfer of all guests to the airport based on their respective departure timings. Please note that the checkout time for all our partner hotels is 12 pm. Safe travels as you head back to your home country.


Day 1


Day 2


Day 3

Tatu and Fairy Meadows

Day 4

Beyal Camp

Day 5

Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Day 6

Return to Fairy Meadows

Day 7

Naran via Babusar Pass

Day 8

Drive to Islamabad

Day 9

Rest in Islamabad

Day 10

Fly to home country

Services included for the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek:

1. Certified professional guide (as required by the government).
2. Airport transfers on the first and last day in Islamabad.
3. All domestic ground transportation.
4. Accommodation in hotels (twin-sharing rooms).
5. Accommodation during the trek (twin-sharing dome tents).
6. Provided meals in hotels (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
7. Trekking meals (comprising breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
8. Campsite fees.
9. Trekking logistics (tents, communal equipment, and tools).
10. Support team (which may include a cook and assistants).
11. Porters for carrying trekking equipment.
12. Complete kitchen setup (including supplies, tools, equipment, cookware, and gas).
13. Allowance for personal luggage (limited to 14 kilograms).

Domestic Passengers (Nationals of Pakistan)

1. Certified expert guide
2. Road transportation (Tatu - Islamabad - Islamabad)
3. Hotels in Chilas, Naran, and Besham Hotel meals in Chilas, Naran, and Besham
4. Twin-sharing dome tent accommodations for trekking in Fairy Meadows and 5. Nanga Parbat, British Columbia
6. Every meal along the walk (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
7. Every camping site charge
8. Logistics for trekking: cooking tents, non-personal gear, and tools
9. Support personnel (cook, assistant(s), etc. - based on necessity)
10. Porters for supplies, tools, equipment, crockery, gas, and other cooking and hiking needs

Services Excluded for the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek:

1. Travel insurance
2. Pakistan Visa (we can assist with the Letter of Invitation, or LOI)
3. Gratuities for local guides and support staff
4. Incidental expenses
5. Souvenirs and other personal purchases

6. Personal trekking equipment and gear (such as clothing, boots, and sleeping bags)
7. Optional excursions or activities not specified in the itinerary

For Local Trekkers

1. Islamabad airport transportation (may be arranged; extra fees apply)
2. Tours of Islamabad and its environs (may be scheduled; extra fees apply)
3. Islamabad hotel accommodations (may be provided; extra fees apply)
4. Hotel meals available in Islamabad upon request; extra fees apply.
5. Travel insurance (you might ask for advice)
6. Pakistan requires no visa.
7. Travel expenses abroad for Pakistanis living abroad
8. Personal gear, such as hiking boots and warm clothing
9. Porters for personal bags are available upon request and may incur additional fees.
10. Advice for porters, guides, employees, etc.
11. Other (drinks, calls, laundry, souvenirs, etc.)

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The best time for the Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek is during the summer and early autumn months, specifically from late May to early September. This period offers relatively mild weather, with warmer temperatures and more stable conditions, making it ideal for trekking.

To undertake the Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek, you will need both a trekking permit and a climbing permit, as it's located within a protected area. These permits are typically obtained through the local tourism authorities in Pakistan, and it's recommended to work with a reputable trekking agency to facilitate the process. The details and requirements may change, so it's essential to check with the authorities and your trekking agency for the most up-to-date information and assistance in obtaining the necessary permits.

Yes, considering the high altitudes involved in the Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek, it's crucial to take precautions against altitude sickness. Gradual acclimatization is key. Spend a few days at lower altitudes before reaching the base camp to allow your body to adjust. Stay well-hydrated, avoid overexertion, and pay attention to your body's signals. Carry medication like Diamox, as prescribed by a healthcare professional, as a precaution. If you experience severe altitude sickness symptoms, it's essential to descend to lower altitudes promptly. A local guide with knowledge of the area can be invaluable in ensuring your safety and acclimatization during the trek.